Licenses/Permits/Employment Application

Building permits are required in the Village of Coleman for any remodel that totals $1,000 or more.  This would include labor.  (If you are doing the labor yourself, you still need to include what it would cost to hire the labor, in your total.)  Permits must be applied for at least one (1) week prior to the start of work. 

Below are our current fees:

GENERAL  (Residential $30.00 & Commercial $150.00)

i.e.: Fences, roofs, siding, driveways, decks, windows…

ADDITIONS (Residential & Commercial) $100.00

i.e.: Attached or Detached garages, additions….


Permit Fee includes all necessary inspections


Preliminary issues such as setbacks, driveways, culverts…

NEW CONSTRUCTION:                                     

Single Family Dwelling:

Homes up to 1499 sq ft $350 (includes state seal)

Homes from 1500-1999 sq ft $375 (includes state seal)

Homes from 2000-3000 sq ft $400 (includes state seal)

Homes from 3001+ sq ft $400 (includes state seal)

plus 20 cents per sq ft over the 3000 sq ft

Manufactured Homes: (HUD or Wisconsin factory inspected)

Homes up to 1499 sq ft $300 (includes state seal for HUD houses)

Homes from 1500-1999 sq ft $325 (includes state seal for HUD houses)

Homes from 2000-3000 sq ft $350 (includes state seal for HUD houses)

Homes from 3001+ sq ft $350 (includes state seal for HUD houses) plus 20 cents per sq ft over the 3000 sq ft

Street Permit

Download the street permit here

Alcohol Operators License

The form to fill out can be found here

Dog Licenses

Dog licenses need to be obtained from the village clerk at the Coleman Municipal Building.  It is unlawful for any person in the Village of Coleman to own, harbor, or keep any dog more than five (5) months of age without obtaining a license for said dog.  

To obtain a dog license, residents must apply at the Municipal Building.  The cost for each license is $10.00 for a male or female dog, and $5.00 for a neutered male or spayed female dog.  You will be required to provide a current vaccination form, which will include date of vaccination, vaccine manufacturer, serial # of vaccine, and expiration date.  No license will be issued without the above mentioned information.  Licenses need to be purchased by April 1st. A $5.00 late fee will be added to those who apply after April 1st.  

Any person owning or having control of any dog, cat, or other animal shall clean up the feces of such animal immediately and dispose of it in a sanitary manner.  (May we suggest when you walk your pet that you carry a plastic bag with you, to pick up any droppings.)  No animal feces shall be permitted to remain exposed upon any private or public property.  Failure to comply with this ordinance will result in a fine for each incident cited.

The form to fill out can be downloaded here

The form to fill out can be downloaded here

Golf Cart permit Application